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How we run our Operations

This will will tell the history, current and future plan and operation including cost of doing the same.

What it takes to run Gaushala

This will will tell the history, current and future plan and operation including cost of doing the same.

How much it costs financially?

Texas Gaushala is spreader in 20 Acres land lease to Own facility. Also taken the house on rent to provide the same to their visitor for staying and increase the membership drive. It is costly affair to run the Gaushala effiectively. Out monthly expenses are as follows:

  • Property Lease to own -- We are on 20 ACre lease to own the property where we are paying 7,500 per month expenses.

  • Food Expenses - Around 7.5k per month are the feed expenses for cows which we give daily morning and Evening.

  • Man Power Expenses - we are required to have atleast two person at Gaushala any time to run the same. One is who can take care of the cows feed and milk it on daily basis. Second person will be helping in doing other chores like cleaning Gaushala House, Provide food to visitors etc. We are expecting arround 8-10k per month of those expenses.

  • Misc - We are expecting arround 2k additional incidental expenses for same which include electricity, taxes, septetic tank cleaning etc.

  • Medical - One time vetenary visit cost around 1000 USD we might require this medical services for cows atlease once in a month.

  • Infrastructure

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